Whats New?
We broadcast church live on Sundays 10am on YouTube, no longer on Facebook. Please join us online if you can’t make it…
Easter Events…
4-13-25 10am Palm Sunday
4-18-25 7pm Good Friday combined service, this year at Hosanna Church in Highland
4-20-25 7:30am Sunrise Service (1811 Building)
8:30am Potluck Breakfast (Fellowship Hall)
9:15am Puppet Show (Fellowship Hall)
10am Easter Worship Service (Sanctuary)
You Are Always Welcome here! We are a home for people who need hope and love. Every one of us has stories of how God has seen us through, and it is encouraging to know we are in this together. That is why we meet together, because we realize how much we need Jesus, and others, in our daily lives. It does not matter who you are or where you’ve been… you are welcome to attend here, and we would love to meet you!
Join us, as we explore the love of the wonderful Almighty God we serve, through Jesus Christ, and ministered to by His Holy Spirit. This is the hope we have, and this is the joy we bring to the world! You are loved, and you are welcome. God has been moving in our congregation by leaps and bounds, and every week is a blessing. The testimonies of God’s healing touch are awesome, because this is a house of prayer. And the testimonies keep coming! God moves here!
Every Sunday is Worship at 10am we have a family style worship service, with great contemporary music, and life changing teaching from the Word of God. All ages are invited to attend.
*As always, if you are not feeling well, or have been exposed to anything that might make others ill, please stay home and participate with us on Clintondale Church on YouTube. Let us know if you are not feeling well, so that we can pray for you.
Clintondale Church Community Cupboard is a ministry we have to help families in need. If you wish to either contribute, or to receive food items, please visit their Facebook page.
Check out our Calendar for everything going on… you don’t want to miss a thing!