In John 11:1-37 We see the story of Lazarus unfolding. Many of us know the familiar bible story: Jesus calls a 4 day dead person back to life, foreshadowing the resurrection of Jesus himself.
But did you ever notice the reaction of Mary as compared to her sister, Martha, regarding the death of their brother? Martha is much more methodical, and even says to Jesus, that her brother will be resurrected again at the end. But Mary – she ran out to see Jesus when he came into town (4 days late – but that’s another topic). She fell at his feet. She was weeping. And then Jesus wept.
If nothing else understand this, that this Jesus, who would soon be calling Lazarus forth from the dead, is also full of compassion for those he is around. He knows how this story will end -wondrously- even miraculously- in about 5 minutes… yet he still has compassion in the moment for Mary.
This is how Jesus is for us. He knows our complete story, and the glory at the end that we’ll share with him. But in the mean time, he understands things can be difficult for us, and he comes along side of us, holding our hand, and weeping with us.
Truly he is full of compassion for us, no matter what we are going through, and no matter the benefit. Go and do likewise.