We Need A Little Patience

This week the Fruit of the Spirit we are examining is patience. It’s rather ironic that no one had signed up for the Tuesday edition… I guess we are all out of patience from the craziness of this past year. But there are still some things to be acquired in our walk, and patience is never one that we can have too much of.

Some might say, “don’t ask God for patience, he’ll give you the application to learn it first. You won’t like that!” Perhaps that is true, but in reality, all the Fruit of the Spirit we acquire is not so much a gift, but rather it is grown. It is not just handed to us when we need it, rather it is something we seek when we need it, and the Holy Spirit helps us along in it. If we never needed it, we would never display it.

Much like a fruit tree that does not say, “give me some fruit,” but rather, the fruit occurs because it honors the DNA that was put into it. That DNA declares that “if you want fruit, then produce fruit! I will help you by what I have put into you.” We have a spiritual DNA that allows us to produce fruit when we stick to the Holy Spirit. Then there is rain, and soil, and snow… all of which contribute to the fruit. None of those elements by themselves are particularly attractive, but together they create the challenging conditions for a tree to want to create fruit.

So the next time you need patience, or any other fruit, be aware that the Holy Spirit will help you… and it won’t happen by gifting nearly as much as it happens by application, and effort. And that is good!

Pastor Steve Sherwood

Weep With Those Who Weep

In John 11:1-37 We see the story of Lazarus unfolding. Many of us know the familiar bible story: Jesus calls a 4 day dead person back to life, foreshadowing the resurrection of Jesus himself. 

But did you ever notice the reaction of Mary as compared to her sister, Martha, regarding the death of their brother?  Martha is much more methodical, and even says to Jesus, that her brother will be resurrected again at the end. But Mary – she ran out to see Jesus when he came into town (4 days late – but that’s another topic). She fell at his feet. She was weeping.  And then Jesus wept.

If nothing else understand this, that this Jesus, who would soon be calling Lazarus forth from the dead, is also full of compassion for those he is around. He knows how this story will end -wondrously- even miraculously- in about 5 minutes… yet he still has compassion in the moment for Mary.

This is how Jesus is for us.  He knows our complete story, and the glory at the end that we’ll share with him. But in the mean time, he understands things can be difficult for us, and he comes along side of us, holding our hand, and weeping with us.

Truly he is full of compassion for us, no matter what we are going through, and no matter the benefit.  Go and do likewise.

Let Advent Become Your Advent

Advent season is now well upon us…  the third week almost here.  Everything whirls around us as we prepare for Christmas, that wonderful time of family, friends, and more.  The very word ‘Advent’ means “it’s finally here!”.  Indeed, as we celebrate this Christmas season, those words “finally here” might be more accurately stated as “suddenly here.”

But we should really take advent a step further. Not only is the season finally here, and Jesus’ birth was finally here… may it be a time of awakening your spirit to the Holy Spirit, so that Jesus can become to you, as he as become to so many… “he is finally here.  In my heart, in my spirit.”

So I encourage you, in all the hubbub of the season, rushing from store to store, event to event… let the advent of hope, preparation, joy, and love come upon you, each week with increasing intensity.  “Joy to the world!”  “… let heaven and nature sing!”  In my heart, and yours!

Summer is gone, get ready for Recharging!

I had a wonderful summer this year.  We were able to go camping in the Adirondacks with a camper I just converted from a cargo trailer.  I wanted to be able to take our mountain bikes, canoes, and live inside of it, and also use it to store and move canoes.  It was no small order.

But I finally finished it, and we went camping.  Everything worked well, but I needed a vacation from all the work getting ready for vacation!  Sometimes life is like that.  We spend all kinds of time and energy to relax… maybe we should just relax!  And so that brings me to my next point.

I am restarting WildernessRecharge.com, which is a ministry I began a number of years back to get people in the outdoors. Why?  Because I found the great outdoors is a great place to find God… in His creation.  It is also a chance to chill out with friends, encouraging others, and being encouraged.  This is a simple ministry that includes hiking, biking, paddling, camping, backpacking, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, or anything that comes to mind to just get outside.  We have some extra gear to allow others to participate when they don’t have the necessary stuff, but more than that we are just trying to get maximum participation, with minimum money.

So keep an eye out on our calendar.  The goal is that the last Saturday of every month we’ll have something going on.  The calendar will describe the event and what to expect.  This is a meetup type group, so you are ultimately responsible for your own well being and preparation.

Hope to see you there!


Become a friend.

Have you ever considered that many of the miracles that Jesus performed were for the benefit of ‘outsiders’; those who were not a part of Jeus’ flock.  Those who were scourged by populace at large.  People such as the Samaritan woman at the well, the royal official’s son, the Roman soldier’s servant…  non were a part of the ‘flock’.  Yet Jesus pursued them.  We, too, are to pursue those outside the flock.  Loving on them, blessing them, helping them; our Christianese should not be relegated to just blessing those inside the church.  We need to bless: even bless those who curse us.

I’ve had the opportunity recently to stay in the hospital for a few days… and not of my wanting!  But I made the most of the situation.  Most of those I came in contact were on the outside looking in – at this representative of Kingdom of God.  Wherever we go we represent Christ, and so there I was.  I took advantage of my hardship, and prayed for people, talked with people, and I was a friend to people.  It lifted people at a difficult time in their lives.

As Christians, we can only tell people about Jesus if we actually talk with them, building a relationship with them.  So I encourage you to be like Jesus; indiscriminate in your choice.  Purpose to befriend those outside the Kingdom, with the hopes of bringing them into the Kingdom… because really, that’s the only way they are going to get inside.  Because of the Holy Spirit working through you.  Open your eyes, your ears, your heart… and be a friend.

Easter, and Doubt

One of the things I love about Luke chapter 24, is the concept of doubt. Everyone at one point or another has doubt.  Whether about our past, or future, or decisions made by ourselves, or others.  As Jesus appeared to various people along the way after the resurrection, they all expressed doubt… his very own disciples doubted the resurrection!   Jesus had them look at his flesh and bones, his wounds, and finally, he even ate fish with them… all to reprove his resurrection… his physical resurrection.

Sometimes we have doubt about Jesus as well.  Is he really there for us?  Is he watching out for me?  Is he really ‘for me’ and not ‘against me’?  Doubt is a normal human response to something that seems too fantastical to believe.  But Jesus went out of his way to show his disciples, and others, that he is very much alive and well, interceding for us before the Father.  

Then Jesus did this for the disciples… and for us:  Our eyes were opened to see him at work in our lives, our minds were opened to learn of the great mysteries of old, and to learn of new things yet to take place.

So take heart if you doubt anything about God; ask Him to open your eyes to see, and your heart to understand, the great things He has in store for you!  You have such an amazing future in front of you!  He does not promise to take away the evil from around you, but rather He promises to walk through the fire with you.

-Pastor Steve Sherwood

Who is this Jesus?

We’ve started the Epistle of John this month. It’s an awesome writing on Christology, which is a technical term the study of, or the theology of Jesus Christ.  Who is he?  Where did he come from?  When was he really born… or was he?  What’s all the hubbub, bub?

All those questions are answered, up front in the book of John.  I’d encourage reading of this book particularly if you come from a background of cults, new-age beliefs, or Eastern religion.  You’ll soon discover that this Jesus is way more than you thought. Way more than any one of can think.

Then you’ll be forced to make a decision… is this for real, or not?  If it is true, then you are compelled to not only believe the whole thing, but to respond in the affirmative ‘yes’ that comes at the beckoning of the Holy Spirit.  At that point, absolutely nothing will stay the same in your life.  Thank God. 🙂

Still have questions?  No problem. First, ask God to reveal the truth to you.  Truth and grace.  He loves you, and He wants you to know the truth, to know Him.  You don’t have to get cleaned up first, you just have to be open and honest with yourself, and with God.  You’ll see.   

Then come and visit us.   We’d love to talk to you!

-Pastor Steve Sherwood

Live In Peace, Then Show Others How.

We are winding down, nearing the end of the book of Philippians. I especially like the section of text we are in now, Phil. 4:1-9 because we are reminded of a few things to put into practice, as we are the model of Christ to the world.

  1. Stand firm in what you know, in unity.  Don’t let the little stuff get in the way and create havoc that results in division in the body.  Let us not ‘major in the minors’.  So often this anxiousness is a result of either arrogance… or fear.  Put them both back into their place. 
  2. Paul says to be anxious for nothing. We can do this as we put our eyes on Jesus, reminding ourselves of the testimonies we each have in our walk. 
  3. As a result, we can pray a prayer of faith and thanksgiving. We can start out by rejoicing in all that God has done in our lives, so that we can focus on things that concern us – but do not need to make us worry or be anxious- because we know that God is on the throne no matter what.
  4. Now that are minds are at peace, we can focus about the good things around us, and write off the negativity, the nastiness, the divisiveness, the world has to offer.

We can see how the world around us, particularly in the USA, has become increasingly at war with itself.  Why?  One good reason is this:  Without Christ, we have no hope. When ‘big’ things happen, we panic in fear wondering what will be the result.  This in how the news, and even the weather, preys on people’s fear.  The result is turmoil in every direction.

As Paul says to look to him as a model, we too are a model for other Christians, and for the world.  We can show others how to live at peace with the chaos around us.  I can’t say I’ve mastered this whole concept, but I’ve come a long way!  What has helped me tremendously is staying away from stimuli that has caused my focus to move off the Lord, all that he has done, and all that he has yet to do. 

Remember that regardless of what happens, God is very much in control.  We can go to Him for wisdom, guidance, peace, and hope.  We can just curl up in his lap, and relax.  Does this release us from doing our part in His kingdom?  No, but it provides hope knowing that no matter the situation, He’s got it.  He’s got our salvation, our family, our church, our state, our nation, our world, our past, our present, and our future… “He’s got the whole world in His hands.”

Let us participate in the what the Father is doing in His kingdom, rather than trying to rule our own.

‘Tis The Season To Give

Christmas is all about giving, right?  Sometimes it’s not quite that easy, but I have some great news!  Have you ever come to church and forget your money?   Sure.  Me too.   Have you ever come to church and forget your checkbook? Hah, I don’t even carry my checkbook!  (My wife does, thankfully.)   But I have come to realize that many of us don’t even carry more than $10 cash, and we never carry checks, but we always have 2 things:

  1. Cell phone
  2. Credit card(s)

So, to make giving easier for those of us who run on ‘Dunkin, you can now do online giving (click here, or see the icon on the website header) on your computer, or download  the green tithe.ly giving app. (not to be confused with the blue tithe.ly church management app) for your smart phone.

This is a convenient way of giving, and can done virtually anywhere.  So go ahead and take the plunge, leave your cash and checkbook home, and be free to give. 

And after the service, be sure to visit the Fellowship Hall for a great meal and fellowship… it’s on us.   Merry Christmas! 

Celebrating Christmas as a Christian

As a family, and as a church family, there is perhaps no more important event to celebrate together than Christmas.  We celebrate the birth of our Savior with many traditions across the world, including various forms of lights, ornaments, trees, wreaths, and more.  And why shouldn’t we celebrate it more than anyone else?  We understand best the ‘reason for the season’.    Look at our pictures!!!

Christmas origins might be questionable, as some might suspect pagan influence or origins… but here is what I have concluded from prayer:   Just as Christ has ransomed ME, and saved me from myself and my sin, Christ has saved Dec. 25 (or whatever day you might celebrate it), as ransomed for himself.  It’s origins matter no more than mine nor yours.  We were all steeped with sin at birth.  But just as Jesus has paid the price for our sin and sinful background, I believe he also has paid the price even for the sin that was committed or even founded on “Christmas day” by various groups, whether for winter solstice, or whatever their purposes. It really does not matter what happened then, any more than what you or I did before we met Christ.  The slate is wiped clean. 

I plan on celebrating Christmas to it’s fullest, because I have a tremendous reason to:  we celebrate the birth of Jesus.  Whether he was born on Dec. 25th, or 4th of July it really does not matter, it’s the fact that he was born by the virgin Mary, as predicted in Isaiah 7 (hundreds of years before the birth of Jesus by Mary). 

And when Easter comes…  I have an even greater reason to celebrate.


  Pastor Steve