Fruit Of The Spirit

Come Grow With Us

Fruit of the Spirit,  Galatians 5: 22

Galatians 5: 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

Are you ready for a spiritual adventure?  Are you peering out your window observing the new verdant growth right outside your doorstep?  The giant American Chestnut tree in the side yard unfurled its leaves just a few days ago sporting green on every branch. Wow, from bare branches to new life before our eyes. Spring is a wonderful time to observe a seasonal pattern of growth all around us. The snowdrops, crocus, daffodils, tulips, cheerful forsythia, rhododendrons, flowering peaches, plum, cherry   cherry and apple blossoms explode one by one to delight the senses in April and May. Living in apple orchard countryside, got me thinking about what these spring beauties need to blossom: plenty of water, sunshine and healthy soil with just the right mix of nutrients to encourage them to thrive. 

What do we as God’s children need to bloom and thrive?  Maybe some quiet time with our Creator God. I live each day believing that “This is my Father’s World”, and if I keep my eyes open, I can see Him in thousands of everyday experiences. I can feel God’s energizing presence talking with a good friend, the kind of friend who lifts you higher. It is a joy to read an uplifting, positive message and then, pass it on to encourage others! Sometimes I need to be cheerfully expectant, and to just be aware of what’s going on around me. This morning, making coffee and looking out of the kitchen window, I caught the beauty of the early sun rising over the hills toward the east. Perhaps God is calling us to be alert,  to take inventory of how we spend our time, our talents and our resources. This is a great way to discover what is really important to us. Do we balance our lives…working, eating healthy meals, exercising and connecting with family and friends? What does our spiritual health look like? Wouldn’t it be exciting to grow spiritually?  Come along, as we explore the Fruits of the Spirit together!

Susan Hurd

Easter Prayer

Lord God, our Heavenly Father, we all gather today around the world in Your Name to celebrate Your Son Jesus’ resurrection.  We gather together to celebrate in these particularly unpredictable times and in these uncommon ways — nevertheless ever so grateful and joyful in the knowledge and confidence that nothing is bigger than our God.

 We are grateful that we can join our hearts together – even in this non-traditional way – to celebrate Jesus’ Victory over death that opened the gate to our everlasting life (as a symbol of Your love for us and as a sign of Your Grace).  His Victory was made our Victory!

We are ever so grateful for the Hope you’ve given us and the Joy of knowing You. In You, we are so grateful that we have something of immense value that the world cannot rob from us, a treasure that cannot be taken from us — that no one or no thing can keep from us — and that is the Joy of the Lord.  Even in these challenging times we find such great Joy in knowing that You are there with us — and proving again to us that You are always faithful to Your promise of being there always.  

Help us remember that in these trying times that you are refining us, and that the Joy we find is not from any worldly comfort, but rather from our steadfast conviction that You are with us.  And as You are with us, You are refining us more completely into the image of Your Son.

At those times that try our Faith, Lord, we pray that you teach us to see beyond our troubles —  knowing You are with us.  We ask that You intervene in our challenges to help us to grieve our losses, to be with those in need, and to nudge us to help You care for Your people.  Help us live differently in the midst of our trials so the world might see You in us.

Give us the peace to live with uncertainty, with questions, with doubts.

May all we say, we hear and we do as we gather today to celebrate your Son’s resurrection — give honor to Your name for the amazing things You have done in Jesus and in us.

May we always find our Joy in You and find Your willingness to offer Yourself to us.

We give you our thanks and our love in Jesus’ name.    Amen.    

Dave Clouser, Elder
Clintondale Christian Church


Come Grow With Us!

Together.  What a beautiful word.  We are meant to do life together with our brothers and sisters in the Lord.  Are you flying solo or together?  Making tough decisions in life, especially when we are in the doldrums, is not a good idea.  We need the Lord’s guidance and we need each other. We are not meant to go it alone.  Better together.   

Your faithfulness can breathe new life into a weary soul. Ten years ago my husband was immobile for 6 months while several broken bones from multiple myeloma were healing.  Our church family took action, popping in with hot meals,  sending spirit lifting cards, phone calls, sharing scripture and prayers. and bringing a hand knit lap blanket made with God’s love from the Busy Bees. One sister in our church family gave him a haircut and nurses even made house calls gave him his shots!  Coming along side can make the difference between going forth with courage or giving up hope. We were so blessed through our church family.   Never underestimate the power of a smile, a hug, or one encouraging word. Often they provide the support we need for a fresh perspective to enable us to carry on. Christian Community in Action!

There are times when I need to remember that God is bigger than any problem I have.  As we gather together for worship and praise the God of creation, we draw strength from each other.  Our batteries get recharged for the week ahead, as we plug into the power source of Almighty God.

Imagine one plant that is dug into healthy soil with plenty of sun, water, compost and nutrients to sustain it. Then picture a whole garden of healthy plants. Like  plants, we can blossom in the Son’s light when we are planted in the good soil nutrients of His Word, and drenched in the prayers of the faithful. When we come together in faith, an ordinary building becomes a house of worship. Mathew 20: 18. “For where two or three come together in my name, there I am with them” NIV.  Praise God as we grow together, healed and strengthened by prayer, worship, and fellowship.  We  gather together each Sunday morning  in a growth opportunity time! Will you be flying solo or together?

Psalm 36: 5-7

Susan Hurd